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Name and Adress

Clinic Dritter Orden
Menzinger Str. 44
80638 München
Phone: 089 1795-0
Fax: 089 1795-1773

Legal form

The Clinic’s legal entity is the Kliniken Dritter Orden gGmbH, Menzinger Str. 44, 80639 München.

Sr. Irmgard Stallhofer (Superior General)
Markus Morell (Managing Direktor)
Dr. Harald Schrödel (Managing Director)
Katrin Klaus (Administrative Director)
Martina Amerhauser (Nursing Director)
Nicole Müller (Deputy Director of Nursing)
Annabelle Simic (Deputy Director of Nursing)
Prof. Dr. Stephan Kellnar (Medical Director)
Prof. Dr. Hermann Helmberger (Deputy Medical Director)

Person responsible for Medical Device Safety
Dirk Weindl

Supervisory authorities

Regierung von Oberbayern [Government of Upper Bavaria], Maximilianstraße 39, 80538 München.
Gewerbeaufsichtsamt der Regierung von Oberbayern [Trade Supervisory Office of Upper Bavaria], Heßstraße 130, 80797 München.

Information specific to medical professions in accordance with § 5 I No. 5 TMG
[German Telemedia Act]

The Dritter Orden Clinic doctors are members of the Bavarian Medical Council.
Their statutory professional titles were conferred in Germany. If they were not conferred in Germany, they are indicated accordingly. The professional practice and ethics regulations are contained in the Bavarian Medical Council’s Code of Medical Ethics. The supervisory authority responsible with regard to health insurance activity is the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bayern (KVB), Landesgeschäftsstelle Elsenheimer Str. 39, 80687 München.

VAT number: DE129523082

Person responsible for the content:
Petra Bönnemann, PR

Conzept & Design: REMY & REMY Gesundheitskommunikation GmbH
technical Implementation:
SZANTYR Neue Medien
Photos & illustrations: Carolin Jacklin, Simon Katzer, Dr. Talsky/Dritter Orden Clinic, Dr. Braun/Dritter Orden Clinic, Braune/, Keresztes/, Lorenz, Nürnberg, Luftbildverlag Bertram (M 19264 of June 2007), Petra Götz


The Dritter Orden Clinic is the official partner of