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General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery Clinic

Head of Department:
Dr. Detlef Krenz

Phone: +49 89 1795-2001
Fax: +49 89 1795-2003

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General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery Clinic

Precision and experience

In the field of General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery the Klinikum Dritter Orden has experienced surgeons and well-practised op teams at the ready – to remove a gall bladder, for instance, just as well as for benign and malignant gastrointestinal diseases or to repair inguinal hernias.

Wherever possible the procedures are carried out as minimally invasive. A specialisation of the clinic is thyroid surgery. After a major operation or with serious illnesses our patients are treated on the Intensive Care Ward that is also staffed with the doctors from the Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine Clinic. At our outpatient Operation Centre the procedures we carry out include those for inguinal hernias and soft-tissue tumours. Whether as inpatients or outpatients: the patients are in good hands here!

High quality assurance as well for abdominal aortic aneurysms and participation in the register of the German Institute for Vascular Surgery Health Research DIGG gGmbH.


Contact and Consultation Hours

General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery Clinic


Klinikum Dritter Orden
General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery Clinic
Head of Department Dr. Detlef Krenz

Menzinger Str. 44 80638 München

Phone: +49 89 1795-2001
Fax: +49 89 1795-2003

Consultation Hours

Secretaries’ office of Chief Physician Detlef Krenz, MD:
Phone: +49 (0)89 1795-2001
Fax: +49 (0)89 1795-2003

Consultation hours
For all consultation hours it is necessary to make an appointment through the secretaries’ office.

General consultation hours
We offer regular consultation hours to all privately insured patients, and exceptionally to national health insurance patients as well in special circumstances.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 1 pm to 4 pm

Special consultation hours
Thyroid surgery
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 1 pm to 3 pm

Minimally invasive surgery (especially colon)
Chief Physician Dr. D. Krenz
Phone: +49 (0)89 1795-2001 or Tel.: +49 (0)89 1795-0
Fax: +49 (0)89 1795-2003